a call girlの例文
- no record of russo getting pulled over , but he remembers there was a call girl brought in with russo .
ルッソと共に連行された 売春婦がいる - nakahira wrote that he had a conflict with the company because he made sanae nakahara shout , ' quiet , you ! lougheed ' in the last scene of " gakuseiyaro to musumetachi " (this line did not exist in the scenario ) and because he made izumi ashikawa , who had a pure and innocent image , play a call girl , and thought to move to another company at one point , but that it was impossible because of the five company agreement ( ' kinema junpo ' spring special edition in 1962 ).
中平は『学生野郎と娘たち』のラストシーンで中原早苗が「うるせえぞ! ロッキード!」と叫ぶセリフ(このセリフは台本には無い)と、清純派の芦川いづみをコールガールの役にしたこと等で会社側と喧嘩になり、一時は他社に行くことも考えたが五社協定で無理だったと書き残している(「キネマ旬報」昭和37年(1962年)春の特大号)。